fusée happiness agency

Employee engagement performance lever

“Employee Engagement : strength of the link between an employer and its employees"

Did you know ?

An engaged employee is









Less absent



Less turnover



Client + satisfied

Make your employees brand ambassadors

Who better than your employees to talk about your company, your products, your values and your qualities ?
Communication from an engaged employee is honest, powerful and is worth more than any other media.

It spreads your employer brand. It is then a whole social (friends, family…) and digital (Facebook, twitter, instagram…) ecosystem which talks positively about you.
The power of digital and social ecosystems (family, friends with Facebook, twitter, instagram…) is then active.
It is time to make your employees the very first fans of your company.
But how to do it and what are the tools for a better working engagement ?

my employee engagement tools

Evaluate and boost your 6 mechanisms of employee engagement

Our digital “pulse" survey helps you to evaluate the strength of the link with your teams. Boost the Quality of Working Life and your employees fulfillment addressing these 6 main thematics:

  • My relationships
  • My mission
  • My management
  • My working environment
  • My company and its values
  • My private vs. pro life balance
my employee engagement tools

Engagement and fulfillment of your employees are real key success and differentiating factors.
Your employees' commitment and fulfillment are keys to grow quickly and to be distinguished from your competitors. A company policy focused on Individuals provides concrete and measurable effects described below:

  • Increase of productivity and profitability
  • Multiplication of initiatives
  • Development of creativity and enthusiasm
  • Decrease of absenteeism and turnover
  • ...

Sources from Shawn Achor's researches  , Gallup 2018 “State of the Global Workplace", Harvard and Martin Seligman “Learned Optimism", “Authentic Happiness".

What is eNPS?

The Employee Net Promoter Score (or eNPS), is a metrics to follow your team’s engagement level. It allows you to have a clear vision of the part of ambassadors vs detractors inside your team. The Employee NPS of your organization could score between -100 and +100. A result of +40 is considerate very good. The calculation is easy:

eNPS = % Ambassadors – % Détractors

calculation of eNPS

The screenshot of your eNPS is interesting but not completely sufficient. Therefore, you should analyse more closely the details of influences factors of engagement and track it over time.

CEO, Human Ressources, CHO, Managers... It is time to take actions and to work on the Quality of Working Life.

In Switzerland, less than 1 employee out of 5 is actively engaged with his company. Developing engagement is everyone's business: team members, managers, top management. The approach must be collective, sincere and benevolent. It is then mandatory to have the right tools at you service and the support required to reach success.

engaged employees
engaged employees

Listen to "Y" and "Z" generations

The rise of “Y" (born between 1980 and 2000) and “Z" (born after 2000) new generations disrupts the way companies work and deal with their employees. We are living a transition period. In 2025, the Millennials will represent 75% of active population in the world (INSEE).

An employee doesn't work his whole life for the same company anymore. The ways he wants to live and work have changed. We have entered in a new era. Common behaviors are more opportunist, less loyal.

These “new" employees attach more importance to their working environment and to the meaning/purpose of their job. These are two inevitable keys of the employee engagement.

They said it

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